Golf Outing - August 9, 2022
“Most professional operation I have worked with. The very best”
Katie Jones
Every year the golf outing is played at Bloomingdale Golf Club. The format has been the same for the outing since it originated. Every foursome is assigned to a starting hole and then a shotgun start begins the day. Each golfer plays their own ball for the entire round. Two winners are recognized, one for the low net score and one for what is know as a "Peoria System" score. The Peoria System is a selection of random holes which are unknown to the golfers. The scores on the unknown holes are used for the "Peoria" score. During the golf day there are many competition and prize fundraising holes giving each golfer a prize opportunity.
here are many different raffle events that are held throughout the golf outing:
Cash raffle $500/$300/$200
Poker Run
Live Auction
Silent Auction
Putting Contest
Closest to Pin/Longest Drive
Low Gross/Low Net
Color Golf Ball Contest
Individual Scoring
Raffle Prizes
The dinner is a pig roast buffet style dinner. The pig roast has been served since the begining of the Outing. Many friends of the outing, former Louis' customers and employees join the evening events after the round of golf is over. Those who join for dinner are asked to pre-register and pay.
The evening has become a tradition of renewing old and new acquaintances.